Hongkong Shen Tong
Company business
Financial Data Exchange Platform

The SSCC Financial Data Exchange Platform (FDEP for short) is an important IT infrastructure in China's securities industry. It provides one-stop solutions for data exchange for participants in China's capital market. The FDEP covers nearly 1,000 headquarters-level financial institutions and involves many subdivisions such as securities, funds, futures, banks, insurance, third-party fund sales, financial information services, and supports the operation of more than a dozen types of financial business application systems such as third-party depository of securities margin, public offering fund sales, asset management reconciliation, and investment transaction order routing. The platform is gradually becoming an important cross-border technical facility in China's capital market through its radiation in Hong Kong, its cooperation with several international service platforms, and its support for international financial data interface standards (such as FIX and SWIFT).

The FDEP provides safe, efficient and convenient data exchange services for various financial institutions, improves the electronic and automation level of business operation in the whole industry, improves business operation efficiency, reduces business operation risks, facilitates market supervision, and achieves significant social value and economic benefits.

FDEP consists of four elements: community, network, agreement and software. The structure diagram is as follows:

Community: The platform has covered a large number of financial customers such as domestic exchanges, clearing companies, securities companies, commercial banks, fund companies, futures companies and insurance companies, forming a very valuable financial customer business community.
Network: Using the mature Shenzhen securities communication network of "Satellite-Ground Integration" as the main underlying infrastructure.
Agreement: The platform adopts various standard agreements formulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the People's Bank of China as standard business agreements.
Software: The high-performance data exchange platform provides high-speed, efficient, safe and reliable communication guarantee for various upper-level applications.
‘Full circulation’ of H shares

On December 29, 2017, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced the launch of a "full circulation" pilot for listed companies of H-share. "Pilot projects" will adhere to the principle of active, steady and gradual progress, and will be carried out in an orderly manner for any enterprise with mature conditions one-after-another. The first batch enterprises of the pilot project will not exceed three.

In January 2018, the pilot business of "full circulation" of H shares was officially launched. SSCC, together with Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch and domestic and overseas securities dealers, provides "full circulation" services for H shares. The pilot work of the full circulation of H shares was based on the existing B-to-H technology platform, with Shenzhen Securities Company responsible for technical services and China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch as the nominal holder. Domestic securities companies can make transactions and non-transactions declaration through the H-share full-circulation platform, and the processing results of overseas securities companies can also be sent through the H-share full-circulation interface.

H-share full circulation refers to the circulation process of the domestic shares of H-share companies converting into H shares for trading. H shares are shares approved by the CSRC, registered in the mainland and listed on the Hong Kong market for subscription and trading by overseas investors. Under the framework of mainland enterprises going to Hong Kong for listing, the shares held by domestic shareholders before listing are "domestic shares" and those held by foreign investors are called "foreign shares" and domestic shares cannot be circulated in overseas markets. Under such a framework, the shares can only be transferred between mainland legal persons or natural persons, eligible foreign institutional investors or strategic investors, and are in a non-tradable state compared with that in the open market.The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pointed out that the full circulation of H shares will not only help increase the circulation of issued shares, but also help attract mainland issuers to list in Hong Kong, and the pilot will actively promote the development of the Hong Kong market. From the perspective of corporate governance, the full circulation of H shares will ensure that the interests of major shareholders and public shareholders are consistent.

SSCC Financial Cloud

"SSCC Financial Cloud" is a financial-focused industry IT service platform built by SSCC. The platform is dedicated to building a first-class industry cloud computing infrastructure and an open, cooperative and win-win IT ecology. Based on security and compliance, the platform gives full play to the advantages of basic resources of SSCC in the industry through professional division of labor, strengthens the support and guarantee of software developers (ISV), customizes IT solutions and professional services for various business scenarios to meet the business development needs of organizations in the industry.

Foundation platform

Since its development in 2014, the financial cloud has formed product lines such as core system services and internet application services. Among them, core system services mainly include: Basic resource outsourcing service of production system, industry disaster backup service, industry development test cloud, industry core organization service, etc. Internet application services mainly include: Market quotation cloud and certification services, etc.


The platform has served some core institutions such as Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Asset Management Association, regional equity trading centers and operators of the industry, such as securities companies, fund firms and third-party sales agencies, as well as other institutions such as listed or quasi-listed companies. The platform has gradually become a comprehensive IT service platform recognized and widely used by users, protecting the development of the industry.SSCC Financial Cloud is a mature business product. Compared with the traditional self-built model, it can solve the problems of long construction period, high cost and insufficient flexibility in resource expansion for financial institutions and make them focus on their businesses.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Level 1,Level 2 market quotations

SSCC (Hong Kong) undertook the task of real-time transmission of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Level 1 and Level 2 quotations to financial institutions in Hong Kong in accordance with the requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Level 2 market quotation of Shenzhen Stock Exchange is a series of value-added information products that Shenzhen Stock Exchange has launched in order to increase market transparency and meet users' information needs at different levels. The Enhanced Market Quotation is divided into two versions: the on-site version and the online version. The on-site version is applicable to local area network users of member sales departments and the online version is applicable to internet users like information service providers. Compared with the traditional market quotation service, Enhanced Market Quotation has the following significant advantages:

1.Better data transmission mode. In the process of data transmission of the series products of Enhanced Market Quotation, all the data are exchanged in internal memory, no files reading and writing, so the processing speed is faster, and users can obtain market information in a timely manner.

2.More information content. For different types of securities products, Enhanced Market Quotation reveals more complete securities information to users, so that investors can more accurately understand the differences between various securities products. In addition, this product has been added with transaction one by one service and entrustment one by one service, and the buying and selling price settings have also been expanded from 5 to 10, with the details of top 50 for the best buying and selling price settings.

3.Different products are sent by channel. In the Enhanced Market Quotation, stocks, funds, bonds, derivatives and indexes are reported on different channels, and users can choose according to their needs.

4.More flexible data interface. The data interface of Enhanced Market Quotation adopts the STEP protocol of basic FIX and will be upgraded to FAST STEP in the future. The new interface has good flexibility and expandability, overcoming the shortcomings of the existing market data interface of fixed format and difficult expansion. It also supports the smooth upgrade of the system, so that users have enough time to carry out technical upgrade and reduce the risk of system maintenance.

5.With strict user control mechanism and information encryption means, information security is fully guaranteed. Security authentication and login mechanism, information encryption-transmission mechanism and anti-copy mechanism of terminal memory for information reception can effectively prevent information from being illegally stolen and well safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of regular information users.